What The Fuck Just Happened Today?

Today's essential guide to the daily shock and awe in national politics. Read in moderation.
Curated by @matt_kiser

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Trump creates one new job.

WTF Just Happened Today is my full-time job. See? Trump IS creating jobs. That's right. I quit my job to run a blog.

WTFJHT started as a personal project – a challenge to chronicle the daily shock and awe of the administration's first 100 days. I mean, how hard could writing 100 blog posts even be?


1/ I'm running WTFJHT full time.

2/ Now would be a good time to become a member and support WTFJHT

This has been – by far – one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of my career.

Everyday I get emails from community members telling me that WTFJHT is the antidote to an impossible news cycle. Journalists have said they check WTFJHT before their own publication in order to catch up. It's an incredible feeling knowing you're helping people cope in an uncertain world.

And you know what? I have no fucking clue what I'm doing.

I'm still figuring this out. I've never started a political news blog or newsletter before. I've never managed a community this large before. I’ve never quit a job to run a business before! I've made a ton of mistakes, but I've learned a lot, too. And those mistakes have made WTFJHT better.

Here is what we've accomplished together:

It's clear that WTFJHT is bigger than just some guy, a blog, and his cat. It's a community of people that give a fuck about the world. I don't wake up at 6am every morning and compile the news because I like waking up before the sun. I do it because I promised to tell you what the fuck just happened today.

The most impressive thing about this community is that you've put your money where your mouth is. When I called on the community to help me pay for the cost of maintaining the site, the community responded.

I'd like to continue helping you spend less time trying to stay informed so that you can spend more time giving a fuck about making the world a better place.

So what happens next?

Whether you've been with me since the beginning, or just joining me now, take a second and remind yourself that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Because Tweets don't change the world. You do. This is going to require persistence. It's going to require focus. And, it's going to require better media habits.

To get there, we have to make WTFJHT sustainable. So, if you find WTFJHT valuable, now would be a fabulous fucking time to make a contribution and pledge your support so I can continue to tell you what the fuck just happened today.

Thanks. –Matt