Day 66: Shifting blame.
1/ Trump shifts blame to conservatives on health care bill failure. Two days after pointing his finger at Democrats for the failure of the GOP health care proposal, Trump says he is open to working with Democrats on health care reform. (ABC News)
- Lindsey Graham on health care: Republicans and Democrats need to work together. “I don’t think that one party’s going to be able to fix this by themselves,” he said. “I think the President should reach out to Democrats.” Trump blamed Democrats and vowed to let Obamacare “explode.” (CNN)
2/ Fox News host demands Paul Ryan resign, hours after Trump urged followers to watch. Jeanine Pirro, host of “Justice With Judge Jeanine,” delivered a diatribe against the House speaker, calling on him to step down after letting Trump down by not doing his share of the work in corralling Republican votes to fulfill a seven-year promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. (New York Times)
3/ EPA chief Scott Pruitt says Trump will sign a new executive order this week that unravels Obama’s plan to curb global warming. The order will undo the Clean Power Plan, which restricts greenhouse gas emissions at coal-fired power plants. (Talking Points Memo)
~~4/ Trump handed Angela Merkel a bill for more than £300bn when they met last week. The bill is for money Germany “owed” NATO, calculating the extent to which German defense spending had fallen short of the 2% of GDP target required and then charged interest. (The Times and The Sunday Times)~~ [Editor’s note: Germany didn’t receive NATO invoice from Trump. There is no “debt account at NATO,” says German government spokesman. (Politico)]
5/ Democrats introduce “MAR-A-LAGO” act to force Trump to provide visitor logs. The act would require the Trump administration to disclose the names of anyone who visits the White House or “any other location at which the President or the Vice President regularly conducts official business.” (NBC News)
6/ Nearly 1 out of every 3 days he has been president, Trump has visited a Trump property. 21 of the 66 days he has been in office, meaning that for the equivalent of three full weeks of his just-over-nine weeks as commander in chief, he has spent all or part of a day at a Trump property. (Washington Post)
7/ A pro-Trump rally ended with a man getting beaten with a “Make America Great Again” sign. One man was held down to the ground and punched and hit in the face with pepper spray. (Washington Post)