What The Fuck Just Happened Today?

Your essential guide to the shock and awe in national politics. A sane, once-a-day newsletter helping normal people make sense of the news.

Curated by Matt Kiser
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Archive of posts from 2017










Day 1: How it begins.

Day 2: War on media.

Day 3: Alternative facts.

Day 4: The Upside Down.

Day 5: Command and control.

Day 6: Declining trust.

Day 7: Shut it.

Day 8: Banned.

Day 9: Unreal.

Day 10: Embarrassment.

Day 11: Dissent.

Day 12: Controversy.

Day 13: Supreme.

Day 14: Braggadocious.

Day 15: The massacre.

Day 16: Suspended.

Day 17: Denied.

Day 18: Stumbles Uninvited.

Day 19: Challenged.

Day 20: Nevertheless, she persisted.

Day 21: Ethics. Blocked.

Day 22: Denials.

Day 23: Targeted.

Day 24: Shots fired.

Day 25: Turbulent.

Day 26: Clusterfuck.

Day 27: Inappropriate.

Day 28: Intel. Dumpster fire.

Day 29: Mobilized.

Day 30: Accountable.

Day 31: Last night in Sweden.

Day 32: Skepticism.

Day 33: Sweeping.

Day 34: Handcuffed.

Day 35: Frayed. Rejected.

Day 36: Blasted. Banned in DC.

Day 37: Doubt.

Day 38: Crackdown.

Day 39: Spike.

Day 40: Split. Choice.

Day 41: Tumultuous.

Day 42: Misleading. Recused.

Day 43: Blame game.

Day 44: Accused.

Day 45: Troubling.

Day 46: Revised.

Day 47: Unveiled.

Day 48: Unraveling.

Day 49: Flurry.

Day 50: Blow it up.

Day 51: Abrupt.

Day 52: Worse off.

Day 53: Contraction.

Day 54: Alias. Salvage. Taxed.

Day 55: Failure.

Day 56: Slashed.

Day 57: Tapped out.

Day 58: Imminent.

Day 59: Collusion.

Day 60: Accusations.

Day 61: Tweaks.

Day 62: Contradictions.

Day 63: Save face.

Day 64: Ultimatum. Art of the deal.

Day 65: Shit list.

Day 66: Shifting blame.

Day 67: Power center.

Day 68: Tarnished.

Day 69: Unauthorized disclosure.

Day 70: "Climate change."

Day 71: Witch hunt.

Day 72: Disclosures.

Day 73: Incited violence.

Day 74: Nuclear option.

Day 75: Undermine.

Day 76: Demoted.

Day 77: Filibustered.

Day 78: Tomahawked.

Day 79: Knife fights.

Day 80: Complicit.

Day 81: Partially responsible.

Day 82: Sean Spicer.

Day 83: Trading barbs.

Day 84: Misdirected.

Day 85: Preemptive.

Day 86: Frankenmissile.

Day 87: Provocation.

Day 88: Strategic patience.

Day 89: Conflict of interest.

Day 90: The sword stands ready.

Day 91: "Super-mighty preemptive strike."

Day 92: Ridiculous standard.

Day 93: Planet B.

Day 94: Rest easy.

Day 95: "Good press."

Day 96: Confident.

Day 97: Ridiculous.

Day 98: Explicit.

Day 99: Weak.

Day 100: Perspective.

Day 102: Bizarre.

Day 103: Floundering.

Day 104: Nauseous.

Day 105: Health care?

Day 106: An uncertain fate.

Day 109: Warned.

Day 110: Finger pointing. Fired.

Day 111: You're kidding.

Day 112: Contradicting the White House.

Day 113: Another fucking Twitter tirade.

Day 116: Frustrated and angry. Jeopardized.

Day 117: Undercut. Wow.

Day 118: Hot mess.

Day 119: Undisclosed.

Day 120: Kept in the dark. Person of interest.

Day 123: Will not comply.

Day 124: Cuts for the poor.

Day 125: A madman with nukes.

Day 126: Street fighters.

Day 127: Disinformation.

Day 130: Backchannel.

Day 131: Derogatory information.

Day 132: Au revoir.

Day 133: It's heating up.

Day 134: Showdown supreme.

Day 137: Blindsided.

Day 138: Show them a body.

Day 139: Back off.

Day 140: No fuzz.

Day 141: Complete vindication.

Day 144: Travel ban banned.

Day 145: Haxored.

Day 146: Foreign emoluments.

Day 147: Phony.

Day 148: Ruh roh.

Day 151: Collective self-defense.

Day 152: Spicey.

Day 153: Vulnerable.

Day 154: Win, win, win.

Day 155: Bothersome.

Day 158: Reinstated.

Day 159: Delayed.

Day 160: Failing fake news.

Day 161: Low IQ.

Day 162: Fraud.

Day 167: Heart of the US.

Day 168: Will to survive.

Day 169: An honor to be with you.

Day 172: Damaging information.

Day 173: "Incriminate Hillary."

Day 174: Cyber operatives.

Day 175: Health care redux.

Day 176: Counterintelligence.

Day 179: White collar crimes.

Day 180: Dead on arrival.

Day 181: Secret dinner.

Day 182: Very unfair.

Day 183: Pardon power.

Day 184: Complete power.

Day 186: Beleaguered.

Day 187: Open debate.

Day 188: The most presidential.

Day 189: No modifications.

Day 190: Backfired.

Day 193: Total quitters.

Day 194: Dictated.

Day 195: Seriously flawed.

Day 196: Grand jury.

Day 197: That "totally made-up Russia story."

Day 200: A case of the Mondays.

Day 201: Extreme weather.

Day 202: An absurd red line.

Day 203: Follow the money.

Day 204: Locked and loaded, or whatever.

Day 207: On many sides.

Day 208: Retweet rampage.

Day 209: Stunned and disheartened.

Day 210: Ripped apart.

Day 211: Smell ya later.

Day 214: A path forward.

Day 215: Principled realism.

Day 216: Looking for a way out.

Day 217: Nonsense.

Day 218: Must do better.

Day 221: Speaks for himself.

Day 222: Concealed.

Day 223: Talking is not the answer.

Day 224: Tag teamed.

Day 225: A rigged system.

Day 229: Rescinded.

Day 230: Revisit.

Day 231: Nothing to worry about.

Day 232: Operation mega.

Day 235: Too bombastic.

Day 236: Clandestine efforts.

Day 237: Even lower.

Day 238: Betrayed.

Day 239: Sick and demented.

Day 242: Rocket man.

Day 243: Wiretapped.

Day 244: Nothing there.

Day 245: Innocuous.

Day 246: Dotard.

Day 249: But her emails.

Day 250: Height of hypocrisy.

Day 251: Middle class miracle.

Day 252: No guarantees.

Day 253: Giant, beautiful, massive, the biggest ever.

Day 256: An act of pure evil.

Day 257: The end of everything.

Day 258: Moron.

Day 259: Suicide squad.

Day 260: Calm before the storm.

Day 263: War on coal.

Day 264: Power of the pen.

Day 265: NBC = CNN

Day 266: Trump Vs. Everybody.

Day 267: Imploding broken mess.

Day 270: Season of war.

Day 271: Half-baked nationalism.

Day 272: Knew what he signed up for.

Day 273: Who knows.

Day 274: Elected by the American people.

Day 277: Outdated, unnecessary, ineffective.

Day 278: Alert the daycare staff.

Day 279: Drain the swamp.

Day 280: Bullet.

Day 281: Significant concerns.

Day 284: "NO COLLUSION!"

Day 285: Covfefe boy.

Day 286: The lowest point.

Day 287: Cut, cut, cut.

Day 288: The only one that matters.

Day 291: Bad conduct.

Day 292: Incredible insights.

Day 293: Refreshed.

Day 294: Great credit.

Day 295: If true.

Day 298: Step aside.

Day 299: Do not recall.

Day 300: No plans.

Day 301: Bring it on.

Day 302: What about yours?

Day 305: A long winter.

Day 306: A great, big, beautiful Christmas present.

Day 307: IT WAS ME.

Day 312: Your favorite president.

Day 313: Pettiness.

Day 314: Wrong.

Day 315: Rexit.

Day 316: Full cooperation.

Day 319: Tatters.

Day 320: Willingness to comply.

Day 321: Good to go.

Day 322: Making a deal.

Day 323: Puppet.

Day 326: Heard.

Day 327: Sexist smear.

Day 328: "I was right."

Day 329: Break the internet.

Day 330: Shame.

Day 333: Not looking good.

Day 334: "The single worst piece of legislation."

Day 335: Taking names.

Day 336: A formula for success.

Day 337: Very intense.

Day 341: Pile of garbage.

Day 343: Back to work.

Day 344: Looks bad.