What The Fuck Just Happened Today?

Your essential guide to the shock and awe in national politics. A sane, once-a-day newsletter helping normal people make sense of the news.

Curated by Matt Kiser
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Matt Kiser

Matt Kiser is the creator, founder, and publisher of What The Fuck Just Happened Today? – today’s essential guide to the daily shock and awe in national politics.

He graduated from California State University, Chico with Bachelor’s degrees in Journalism and American Studies, and earned a professional certificate from the City University of New York for Entrepreneurial Journalism. Previously, he reported on music industry news for the College Music Journal, and managed news products at Business Insider, Forbes, and SPIN.com/SPIN Magazine.

Explore the origins and mission of WTF Just Happened Today? by visiting my About page and FAQ section for details.

Praise for WTFJHT

  1. 2018 Webby Award Honoree

  2. Meet the wildly popular blogger chronicling President Trump one day at a time. The site is easy to read, easy to parse and easy to share. There are no ads, and WTF Happened Today makes it easy to see news in context with what happened yesterday and the day before that. (Poynter)

  3. A new entrant that displays perhaps the most accurate encapsulation of this peculiar moment takes the form of an independent email blast: “What The Fuck Just Happened Today?” The aptly named roundup does the yeoman’s work. (Columbia Journalism Review)

  4. How WTF Just Happened Today? is Rethinking Membership. It feels like a million years ago now, but in January 2017 the headlines were dominated by discussions over the size of the crowd at President Trump’s inauguration, “alternative facts,” the Women’s March, the Travel Ban, and more. What started as a side project for Kiser had unexpectedly grown into a more substantial undertaking. Kiser quit his job and began working on WTFJHT full time. The project has continued past the 100-day mark. Now he had to make a living from it. And he had to figure out how to grow it. (The Lenfest Institute for Journalism)

  5. Combine an “editorially responsible” algorithm + political news, and you have Current Status. “I see my role as a sort of reinforcement editor, ensuring that the good stuff is always percolating to the top. Sometimes the news isn’t as neat as an algorithm wants to make it.” (Nieman Lab)

  6. 100 Days of WTF Just Happened Today? My constant companion in the past 100 days has been What the Fuck Just Happened Today? Don’t let the crass title fool you. The site is the best daily collection of the news out there. My favorite feature: the site is currently run by one guy. Matt Kiser is both reading the news and hand-picking the stories you need to read. (Rands in Repose)

  7. Your Guide to the Sprawling New Anti-Trump Resistance Movement. An explosion of new activism offers a ray of hope in these dark political times. (The Nation)

  8. “What The Fuck Just Happened Today?” Chronicles Our Daily Political Insanity. In case you’re sick of just checking Twitter 24 hours a day, now you can get all your Trump news in one convenient package. (FastCoExist)

  9. This email newsletter tries to make sense of Trump’s America. A daily email newsletter has emerged to help keep everyone’s heads from spinning off trying to keep up. Most importantly it answers the perpetual question of “WTF just happened today?” (Mashable)

  10. Here’s What Therapists Want You To Know About Being Politically Active. Catching up on the news via digests at the end of the day. Newsletters like “What The Fuck Just Happened Today?” or the BuzzFeed News newsletter (shameless plug) put everything in a convenient place so you don’t have to waste time surfing around. (BuzzFeed)

  11. How to use tech to fight back in the Trump era. In an attempt to make the daily fire hose of news and outrage slightly more manageable, The Daily WTF collects all of the most important events into a bearable daily newsletter. Plus, it has a pretty great novelty. (Newsweek)

  12. Follow these newsletters by journalists and never miss a thing. A very unique concept for a daily update of what’s happening and a very spot on title for it, given how crazy things can get these days. Matt Kiser makes sure that you receive a concise daily report of the most important events from the intense world of politics. Every piece of news is described with a single sentence, which pretty much summarizes the gist of it all. (The Next Web)

  13. Seattle’s Tech Community Is Fighting Trump One Piece of Code at a Time. Every day since Trump took office, Matt Kiser has woken up at six in the morning. He grabs a coffee and scans thousands of news sources on the administration’s latest exploits. It sounds like a shitty way to start the day. (The Stranger)

  14. Popular newsletter uses open-source techniques to cover ‘WTF’ is happening with Trump. Anybody can edit a file and submit a pull request. Kiser is essentially crowdsourcing a newsroom where readers can act as editors or fact-checkers and tweak pieces on WTF or create their own. Kiser hopes it will allow him to touch on more topics throughout the day. (GeekWire)

  15. Why Donald Trump is the undisputed king of all media. The US president dominates the news cycle like no one before him. Within four weeks Kiser’s chronicle of “the daily shock and awe in Trump’s America” had more than 48,000 newsletter subscribers and is now getting more than 2.5 million pageviews a month. (Irish Times)

  16. Don’t get raked, keep abreast of daily shock and awe from DC. Kiser does an ace job of the old blogger skill called “curating.” His lists surface themes and suggest lines that might connect dots. His headlines make dark poetry of careering developments. (Colorado Statesman)

  17. 11 Simple Ways to Change the World That Won’t Totally Overwhelm You. This site has a funny name but a serious purpose: What The F-ck Just Happened Today recaps the news every single day with a thorough summary of the Trump administration’s actions. If your head spins from trying to follow the news cycle, then you need to bookmark What The F-ck Just Happened Today. (Glamour)

  18. Happy Not My President’s Day weekend! Here’s where to show up & protest. I feel like that’s the thought that crosses my mind every time I sit down to write this little intro, but the sheer amount of news is dizzying. It is important, however, to make sure you’re at least getting a taste of all the week’s events, even if you don’t have time to read 600 articles. I recommend site/newsletter What The Fuck Just Happened Today? produced by Matt Kiser for this exact purpose. (Resistible)

  19. WTF Just Happened Today - daily newsletter. Matt Kiser has started a good newsletter. (Boing Boing)

  20. WTF, Kiser? Each day is posted with its overriding theme followed by a numbered and sourced list of WTF went down that day. It’s such a simple and logical approach to keeping tabs on the state of the country. (Chico News and Review)

  21. Best New Website: Read “What The Fuck Just Happened” every day. The site is really fun, in a sort of masochistic, sicko way. Unlike the White House and its staff, Kiser is dedicated to facts and to accuracy. Every entry on the site includes a link to the news source that first reported it. (Liberal America)

  22. WTF Just Happened Today available as an Amazon skill. The seven-day-a-week newsletter that summarizes the most important political stories of the day is now available on Amazon Echo! (Boing Boing)

  23. The Trump Era’s Anti-Anxiety Pill Is a Newsletter Out of Seattle. It looks like facts, but it feels like coping. (The Observer)

  24. Is your journalism valuable? You have to listen to the people you’re trying to serve to figure out what’s valuable to them. (Poynter)

  25. What your site can learn from 100 news organizations with robust membership programs. Transparency and an approachable tone, as well as his efforts to engage with his audience, are central to his newsletter’s success. (Membership Puzzle Project)

  26. How growing an independent news site is “like punk rock with a blog”. “[Engaging] with people who take the effort to subscribe and give feedback creates trust, shows transparency, humanizes the whole thing. The more I show I’m just human, that I’m fallible, the more trust I build. That’s what it comes down to: creating value and building trust.” (Membership Puzzle Project)

  27. WTF just happened today? Ask Matt Kiser. “I think there’s a lot of people who give a shit about what’s going on and feel really shitty [about not understanding],” he says. “That’s a big part of what I do: Help them check in on their own terms.” (The Evergrey)

  28. Seattle man’s website helps millions figure out the daily tumult in the other Washington. There was a break in the recent impeachment proceedings, which is why Matt Kiser could come out for coffee. He was temporarily free from the political news cycle for the first time in a very long time. “It feels like it never stops,” Kiser said. “I have an abundance of information and a scarcity of time.” (The Seattle Times)

  29. Here’s how Matt Kiser runs What the Fuck Just Happened Today full time entirely on reader support: Making a direct ask with a clear revenue target motivates contributions. Matt is radically transparent about his costs and his goals. Combining that approach with dedicated emails to readers means you can shake the trees more effectively and get some of that loose cash out! Your readers want you to convince them they should give you their money. (Journalists Pay Themselves)

  30. What does it take to have “members” of a news organization rather than consumers of its products? “When you’re member-funded, you’re obligated to ask for permission when shifting course, because you work for your members – you’re in the relationship business.” (Membership Puzzle Project)

  31. How to staff a membership strategy if you are a one-person newsroom. “You’re in the relationship business, so approach your membership program with the same authenticity that earned you your reader’s attention in the first place.” (IJNet)

  32. Heather Cox Richardson Offers a Break From the Media Maelstrom. It’s Working. “In fact, the edgier younger sibling of Dr. Richardson’s “Letters From an American” is a newsletter that’s called “WTF Just Happened Today?” Its founder, Matt Kiser, says he reaches more than 200,000 subscribers a day and is supporting the business on voluntary contributions.” (New York Times)

  33. Creator Spotlight: Matt Kiser of WTF Just Happened Today? One of the OG independent newsletter creators on consistency, platform independence and stamina. (Project C)

  34. Pro Tips: Matt Kiser on keeping expenses down. Plus: Why it’s important to keep re-introducing yourself to the audience (Project C)

  35. Here are some of the ways you might be doing email newsletters inefficiently (and how to do them better). Matt Kiser of What the Fuck Just Happened Today formally started using the Osmosys tool about three weeks ago, but had been able to beta test and work with Yellow Brim on tailoring the way the tool works to suit his workflow earlier. (Nieman Lab)

  36. WTF Just Happened Today and Reciprocal Relationships with Audiences. On his community page, Matt Kiser describes WTF Just Happened Today as “your guide to the daily shock and awe in national politics.” What started as a personal project to chronicle the new administration has turned into Kiser’s full-time job, and he couldn’t do it without the help of his readers. (Gather)

  37. Reclaiming “the edge.” Seek out content with a clear beginning and end, something you can pick up and put down at will. An NPR podcast has edges, for instance; an NPR livestream doesn’t. Kiser’s newsletter has edges, too, though the homepages he tabs through each morning are edgeless. Incidentally, this recommendation mirrors the advice of many psychologists, who encourage overwhelmed news consumers to establish “boundaries” around their media diets. (Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends)

Latest articles:

Day 1528: "It’s not a big deal."

Day 1527: "Listening to what our community needs and cares about."

Day 1526: "Just something that can happen."

Day 1525: "Unavoidable uncertainty."

Day 1521: "We have to get our children educated."

Day 1520: "Common sense."

Day 1519: "This is just the beginning."

Day 1518: "Overdrive."

Day 1513: "This is not a game."

Day 1511: "Detox period."

Day 1507: "The essence of the American dream."

Day 1506: "Let him stew in his own juice."

Day 1505: "Very dumb."

Day 1504: "It’s going to be very costly for people."

Day 1500: "Flawed democracy."

Day 1499: "Is anyone unhappy with Elon?"

Day 1498: "Stay tuned."

Day 1497: "Moment of truth."

Day 1492: "Unrestricted power."

Day 1486: "How much democracy have they achieved lately?"

Day 1485: "What democracy is all about."

Day 1484: "Will end badly."

Day 1483: "The most serious constitutional crisis the country has faced since Watergate."

Day 1481: "The single greatest insider threat."

Day 1479: "Sheer chaos."

Day 1478: "Unequivocal rejection."

Day 1477: "The American people can see what’s happening."

Day 1476: "Worth the price."

Day 1473: "Infamous and disgraceful."

Day 1472: "Because I have common sense."

Day 1471: "Fork in the road."

Day 1470: "Lawless."

Day 1469: "A common thing to do."

Day 1465: "Boggles my mind."

Day 1464: "To speak a truth."

Day 1463: "An ongoing threat."

Day 1462: "Welcome home."

Day 1458: "An oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth."

Day 1457: "Out of sight or out of mind."

Day 1456: "Nothing more and nothing less."

Day 1455: "They know how to do it."

Day 1452: "A very terrible experience."

Day 1451: "There is only one president at a time."

Day 1450: "Presumptuous."

Day 1449: "All hell will break out."

Day 1448: "A routine act."

Day 1444: "Violence, intimidation and defiance undermine our Republic."

Day 1441: "Mediocrity over excellence."

Day 1435: "Mired itself in an ethical crisis of its own making."

Day 1431: "Do its job."

Day 1430: "A deeply unserious party."

Day 1429: "Embarrassing, though not criminal."

Day 1428: "Logical and reasonable."

Day 1427: "That’s not gonna happen."

Day 1423: "Maximum level."

Day 1422: "Focus on our mission."

Day 1421: "For the health of our Republic."

Day 1420: "Can’t guarantee anything."

Day 1416: "Government does almost nothing well."

Day 1415: "They’re coming after you."

Day 1414: "Competing constitutional interests."

Day 1413: "Enough is enough."

Day 1407: "A game changer."

Day 1406: "Still going to be in the fight."

Day 1402: "A wonderful future."

Day 1401: "Weapons of obedience."

Day 1400: "Qualified and capable."

Day 1399: "A terrible precedent."

Day 1395: "Relentless barrage."

Day 1394: "Drastic change."

Day 1393: "Unprecedented circumstances."

Day 1392: "The worst of the worst."

Day 1388: "The agenda."

Day 1387: "The golden age of America."

Day 1386: "America is ready for a fresh start."

Day 1385: "A petty, vindictive, cruel, unstable man who wants to be a tyrant."

Day 1381: "Like it or not."

Day 1380: "Petty tyrant."

Day 1379: "Turn the page."

Day 1378: "The party of inclusion."

Day 1374: "Focused on solutions."

Day 1373: "What do the American people want?"

Day 1372: "There’s no point."

Day 1371: "Exhausted."

Day 1367: "A despicable human being."

Day 1366: "Too much, too late."

Day 1365: "Let's just listen to music."

Day 1360: "Not the worst case scenario."

Day 1359: "Beyond ridiculous."

Day 1358: "Callousness."

Day 1357: "Seemed political."

Day 1353: "Everything was nice."

Day 1352: "Increasingly desperate."

Day 1351: "A significant escalation."

Day 1350: "One really violent day."

Day 1346: "This is the policy."

Day 1345: "I am your protector."

Day 1344: "Inflection point."

Day 1343: "Balance of power."

Day 1339: "Disappointed."

Day 1338: "Contempt for the norms of decent, ethical and lawful behavior."

Day 1337: "Absolute assurances."

Day 1336: "A piece of garbage."

Day 1332: "Void for vagueness."

Day 1331: "Concepts of a plan."

Day 1330: "A dangerous escalation."

Day 1329: "The chosen one."

Day 1325: "An essential foundation."

Day 1324: "It doesn’t have to be this way."

Day 1323: "Whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it."

Day 1318: "Pretty sad."

Day 1317: "Just normal day-to-day stuff."

Day 1316: "The alternative is untenable."

Day 1315: "Blatant political purposes."

Day 1312: "Kamala Harris, for the people."

Day 1311: "New way forward."

Day 1310: "Do something."

Day 1309: "The future is here."

Day 1304: "Inaccurate and unsubstantiated."

Day 1302: "You’re all gone."

Day 1301: "Thought experiment."

Day 1296: "Bringing back the joy."

Day 1295: "It’s personal."

Day 1294: "Be careful."

Day 1290: "The American people deserve better."

Day 1289: "He cannot unite America."

Day 1288: "Weird."

Day 1287: "It'll be fine."

Day 1283: "Bring it on."

Day 1282: "A clash."

Day 1281: "Two different visions."

Day 1280: "Excited the country."

Day 1279: "Let’s do this."

Day 1276: "We're close to the end."

Day 1275: "You got this problem."

Day 1273: "I'm not supposed to be here."

Day 1271: "We cannot be like this."

Day 1269: "This is going to get worse."

Day 1268: "Pivotal moment."

Day 1267: "Ridiculous and abysmal."

Day 1266: "We have one job."

Day 1261: "He sees the moment."

Day 1260: "The American people must decide."

Day 1259: "The President is now a king above the law."

Day 1256: "There's nothing to debate."

Day 1255: "Irreparable harm."

Day 1254: "Engaged in critical work."

Day 1253: "A deep sense of fear."

Day 1252: "Combustible atmosphere."

Day 1248: "Blatantly unconstitutional."

Day 1246: "A good day."

Day 1245: "Deadly consequences."

Day 1241: "Outrageous and unacceptable."

Day 1240: "That’s what it is."

Day 1239: "The stakes just couldn’t be higher."

Day 1238: "Can't be compromised."

Day 1234: "We don’t seem to be listening."

Day 1233: "It’s going to have to happen to them."

Day 1232: "Will not be intimidated."

Day 1231: "Reckless."

Day 1227: "The real verdict is going to be Nov. 5."

Day 1226: "A subversion of democracy."

Day 1225: "Lacking in substance and professional courtesy."

Day 1220: "Not a king."

Day 1219: "Locked and loaded."

Day 1218: "An act of madness."

Day 1217: "Objectionable and personally insulting."

Day 1213: "Restoring sanity."

Day 1212: "Ready to rumble."

Day 1211: "It's cheating."

Day 1210: "Just do it."

Day 1206: "Regrettable."

Day 1205: "Problems, clearly."

Day 1204: "Blacked out."

Day 1203: "Not serving as a deterrent."

Day 1199: "What have we done."

Day 1198: "Absolutely calling it."

Day 1197: "You know, it depends."

Day 1196: "Serious questions."

Day 1192: "A rule for the ages."

Day 1191: "Everyone knows it."

Day 1190: "Silly."

Day 1189: "It’s called democracy."

Day 1185: "Annoyance."

Day 1184: "Make our own decisions."

Day 1183: "A clusterfuck."

Day 1182: "Take the win."

Day 1178: "No guarantee."

Day 1177: "Out of step."

Day 1176: "The extreme agenda."

Day 1175: "The cruelty and the chaos."

Day 1171: "There will be a change."

Day 1170: "Fundamentally flawed."

Day 1169: "This happens in war."

Day 1168: "Outrageous and abhorrent."

Day 1164: "The ideal must bend to the practical."

Day 1163: "A clear message."

Day 1162: "Sufficient risk."

Day 1161: "A bit surprising and unfortunate."

Day 1157: "Enough is enough."

Day 1156: "Historic progress."

Day 1155: "Further chaos."

Day 1147: "Not on my watch."

Day 1143: "We're not waiting."

Day 1142: "Earn the votes."

Day 1141: "The situation is simply intolerable."

Day 1140: "Such chaos."

Day 1136: "Posed a threat."

Day 1135: "Bait."

Day 1134: "You can't do both."

Day 1133: "Clarifying."

Day 1129: "That's unfortunate."

Day 1128: "The type of chaos that we expected."

Day 1127: "Wishful and irresponsible."

Day 1122: "Unprecedented stress."

Day 1121: "Destabilizing."

Day 1120: "It will be devastating."

Day 1119: "Appalling and unhinged."

Day 1115: "A good first step."

Day 1114: "Delusional."

Day 1113: "Show some spine."

Day 1112: "Playing politics."

Day 1108: "This is a dangerous moment."

Day 1107: "A holy war."

Day 1106: "That's absurd."

Day 1105: "Something Donald Trump hates."

Day 1101: "The nominee."

Day 1100: "Disruptive consequences."

Day 1099: "An atmosphere of fear."

Day 1098: "A total failure to launch."

Day 1094: "Cascading failures."

Day 1093: "Loudly saying things that are false."

Day 1092: "The situation sucks."

Day 1087: "One of the greatest shows of hypocrisy in history."

Day 1086: "Irrelevant matters."

Day 1085: "Trump doesn’t give a damn about people."

Day 1084: "Fair notice."

Day 1080: "A scandal."

Day 1079: "The fate of our democracy."

Day 1078: "Of course."

Day 1072: "Dictatorship," "revenge," and "power."

Day 1065: "Destroying the fabric of our country."

Day 1064: "Trump is disqualified from holding the office of President."

Day 1063: "They're all laughing at us."

Day 1059: "Choosing to waste time."

Day 1058: "No one is declaring victory."

Day 1057: "Practically impossible."

Day 1056: "On the verge of complete failure."

Day 1052: "We have a long road ahead."

Day 1051: "After that, I'm not a dictator."

Day 1050: "An even more hellish scenario is about to unfold."

Day 1049: "One impossible choice after another."

Day 1045: "Lead the way."

Day 1044: "Repeated attempts to undermine our democracy are unacceptable."

Day 1043: "The situation remains catastrophic."

Day 1042: "Looking at alternatives."

Day 1036: "Such absurd results."

Day 1035: "Not enough action."

Day 1031: "Cannot be trusted."

Day 1030: "None of this is inevitable."

Day 1029: "All in."

Day 1028: "Dire and perilous."

Day 1024: "Playing games."

Day 1023: "People are not disposable."

Day 1022: "Trust us."

Day 1021: "An unfolding catastrophe."

Day 1017: "The new normal."

Day 1016: "Proceeding carefully."

Day 1015: "They will cost us a lot more in the future."

Day 1014: "Civil order."

Day 1010: "We cannot accept it."

Day 1009: "What comes next."

Day 1008: "Collective punishment."

Day 1007: "Embarrassing for the Republican Party."

Day 1003: "Be ready."

Day 1002: "The other team."

Day 1001: "Whatever it takes."

Day 1000: "Big mistake."

Day 996: "Even when it's difficult."

Day 995: "Less likely than ever."

Day 994: "Proportionate."

Day 982: "Something dangerous happening in America."

Day 981: "Total annihilation."

Day 980: "Stick with it."

Day 979: "Safer than ever."

Day 975: "Burn the whole place down."

Day 974: "This is important."

Day 973: "Lots of luck."

Day 972: "Make better choices."

Day 968: "Frustrated with some people."

Day 967: "Step up."

Day 966: "Blind loyalty to one person."

Day 965: "Personal grievances."

Day 961: "Misrepresentations."

Day 960: "We have a responsibility."

Day 959: "Deeply troubled."

Day 954: "A mountain of undisputed evidence."

Day 953: "We're gonna need a minute."

Day 952: "Greatest external threat."

Day 951: "A prompt and efficient resolution."

Day 947: "A man of difficult fate."

Day 946: "Very, very honored."

Day 945: "A tremendous courtesy."

Day 944: "Unprecedented weaponization."

Day 940: "We need to worry."

Day 939: "Balance the risk."

Day 938: "A criminal enterprise."

Day 937: "Special treatment."

Day 933: "Serious concern."

Day 932: "A weak dictator."

Day 931: "Right the wrongs of the past."

Day 930: "Deranged."

Day 926: "A very sad day for America."

Day 924: "An unprecedented assault on the seat of American democracy."

Day 923: "Any day now."

Day 919: "Productive."

Day 918: "A long way to go."

Day 917: "Tipping point."

Day 916: "Doing things."

Day 912: "Personal benefit."

Day 911: "Significant negative effect."

Day 910: "Extraordinary circumstances."

Day 909: "Targeted."

Day 903: "Racism bad."

Day 902: "Bomblets."

Day 898: "Not a record to celebrate."

Day 897: "See you in hell."

Day 895: "A serious moment."

Day 891: "Let them eat cake."

Day 890: "Very unhealthy."

Day 889: "Now we have a problem."

Day 888: "Extraordinarily unusual."

Day 877: "A bad thing."

Day 876: "How far we have come."

Day 875: "They hate Donald Trump."

Day 874: "They're coming after you."

Day 871: "Nothing more, nothing less."

Day 870: "Blindsided."

Day 869: "A tragic day in the life of our nation."

Day 868: "Know your rights."

Day 867: "Political stunts."

Day 863: "Time is a luxury."

Day 862: "No margin for error."

Day 861: "There's going to be a reckoning."

Day 856: "An ongoing threat."

Day 855: "Gutted."

Day 854: "Very substantial."

Day 853: "Openly hostile."

Day 849: "Extreme."

Day 848: "Repercussions."

Day 847: "Irresponsible."

Day 846: "Remain optimistic."

Day 842: "It's hard to see how America was served by the spectacle of lies that aired on CNN."

Day 841: "Rhetoric."

Day 840: "Absolutely no idea."

Day 839: "Calamity."

Day 835: "An insidious plot."

Day 834: "A national concern."

Day 833: "Step up and fix this."

Day 832: "Hardship to American families."

Day 828: "This issue is too important."

Day 827: "Mundane matters."

Day 826: "The bridge."

Day 825: "We thank him for his service."

Day 821: "Great."

Day 820: "The result will be chaos."

Day 819: "Extremely unusual."

Day 818: "A ticking time bomb."

Day 814: "Continued complications."

Day 813: "Credibility problems."

Day 812: "Uncertainty is high."

Day 811: "Extraordinary and unprecedented."

Day 807: "Something is going to go boom."

Day 806: "Seems accurate."

Day 805: "Can't believe this is happening in America."

Day 804: "Crystal clear."

Day 800: "Dead on arrival."

Day 799: "Mess things up."

Day 798: "No plausible conflict of interest."

Day 797: "Degenerate psychopath."

Day 793: "False expectations."

Day 792: "Sufficient."

Day 791: "A necessary step."

Day 790: "A final warning."

Day 786: "Brink of collapse."

Day 785: "Severe penalties."

Day 784: "Reckless."

Day 783: "Substantial concerns."

Day 779: "Undermining the American public's confidence."

Day 778: "No blank checks."

Day 777: "Dangerous and just unacceptable."

Day 776: "I am your retribution."

Day 772: "A big deal."

Day 771: "To thwart and obfuscate."

Day 764: "Indifference and betrayal."

Day 763: "Plot twist."

Day 758: "The evidence is compelling."

Day 757: "No second chances."

Day 756: "A new generation of leadership."

Day 755: "A growing wave of violence and trauma."

Day 751: "Brazen."

Day 750: "You don't belong."

Day 749: "It’s going to be bumpy."

Day 748: "Our plan is working."

Day 744: "An absolute fool."

Day 743: "A distraction."

Day 741: "Reasonable and responsible."

Day 737: "The fight of our lives."

Day 736: "Integrity matters."

Day 730: "Breach of trust."

Day 729: "Distorted."

Day 728: "Be prepared."

Day 723: "Sensitive matters."

Day 722: "MAGA extremists have hijacked the Republican Party."

Day 721: "Damage assessment."

Day 720: "A direct and foreseeable consequence."

Day 716: "The Republicans haven't been serious about this."

Day 715: "Not my problem."

Day 714: "We better come together."

Day 708: "A cruel, dangerous, and shameful stunt."

Day 701: "Asleep at the wheel."

Day 700: "A new political weapon."

Day 699: "This can never happen again."

Day 695: "Clear and convincing."

Day 694: "That time is now."

Day 693: "Point of no return."

Day 692: "Chaos."

Day 688: "Hope and dignity."

Day 687: "Big consequences."

Day 686: "A culture of fraud and deception."

Day 685: "Sensitive and high-profile."

Day 681: "A complete doomsday scenario."

Day 680: "Until the job is done."

Day 679: "Today is a very good day."

Day 678: "Persistent and lethal."

Day 672: "Quickly approaching the end."

Day 671: "Bad things."

Day 667: "A new generation of leaders."

Day 666: "The gravest threat to our civilization."

Day 665: "Managing risk."

Day 664: "Simply by saying so."

Day 660: "Not at all angry."

Day 659: "A good day for democracy."

Day 658: "The things Americans value most are at risk."

Day 657: "Chronicle of chaos."

Day 653: "A defining moment."

Day 652: "The path to chaos."

Day 651: "Mega-MAGA."

Day 650: "Hellscape."

Day 646: "The great stagnation."

Day 645: "More bad news for the planet."

Day 644: "Serious mistake."

Day 643: "Appalling and unacceptable."

Day 639: "Democracy is working well."

Day 638: "A conspiracy to defraud the United States."

Day 637: "Where's the beef?"

Day 636: "A game changer."

Day 632: "A question about accountability."

Day 631: "Inexcusable."

Day 630: "The worst is yet to come."

Day 625: "Historic fragility."

Day 624: "Shortsighted."

Day 623: "We must change course."

Day 622: "By whatever means necessary."

Day 618: "A work in progress."

Day 617: "Obscene."

Day 616: "Unprecedented."

Day 615: "We've made that very clear."

Day 611: "Thinking about it."

Day 610: "Numerous acts of fraud."

Day 609: "A brazen scheme of staggering proportions."

Day 608: "The pandemic is over?"

Day 604: "Big problems."

Day 603: "It's all changing."

Day 602: "Out of step."

Day 601: "The burden."

Day 597: "Until the job is done."

Day 596: "Dignity."

Day 595: "The appearance of fairness and integrity."

Day 590: "Sufficient basis."

Day 589: "Very disturbing."

Day 588: "The minimal solution."

Day 587: "A lot of classified records."

Day 583: "Obstructive acts."

Day 582: "A tsunami."

Day 581: "Mine."

Day 580: "Reliable."

Day 576: "Brain fog."

Day 575: "Now the real work begins."

Day 574: "Never had a doubt."

Day 573: "Extraordinary impacts."

Day 569: "Deplorable and dangerous."

Day 568: "Absolutely no choice."

Day 567: "Another day in paradise."

Day 566: "The Senate is making history."

Day 562: "Breonna Taylor should be alive today."

Day 561: "America can breathe a sigh of relief."

Day 560: "Morale, welfare, and recreation."

Day 559: "Playing with fire."

Day 555: "Get it done."

Day 554: "Deceitful."

Day 553: "Kind of wild."

Day 552: "Moment of truth."

Day 548: "Folks, I'm doing great."

Day 547: "An emergency."

Day 546: "Climate crisis."

Day 545: "We're all going to die."

Day 541: "We're gathering evidence."

Day 540: "Everything is in play."

Day 539: "In no uncertain terms."

Day 538: "Out of control."

Day 534: "Entrenched."

Day 533: "Broken."

Day 532: "People are gonna be shocked."

Day 527: "Running out of options."

Day 526: "A better justification."

Day 525: "Real, real bad."

Day 524: "Bedrock constitutional principles."

Day 521: "We dissent."

Day 520: "Substantial misconduct."

Day 519: "Breathing room."

Day 518: "A direct and personal role."

Day 513: "A heated fight."

Day 512: "Substantial."

Day 511: "Never been more optimistic."

Day 506: "Strategy to subvert the election."

Day 505: "Transparent."

Day 504: "Heightened threat environment."

Day 503: "Delivering for the American people."

Day 499: "Common sense."

Day 498: "Massive failure."

Day 497: "Critically important work."

Day 478: "Headlines and sensationalization."

Day 477: "Failure."

Day 476: "The bottom line."

Day 475: "Serious risk."

Day 471: "Appropriate next steps."

Day 470: "Not going to be easy."

Day 469: "An egregious breach of trust."

Day 468: "Strain."

Day 464: "A small price to pay."

Day 463: "Last chance."

Day 462: "Bluster."

Day 461: "Get organized."

Day 457: "A critical window."

Day 456: "Food for thought."

Day 455: "A whirlpool of colliding interests."

Day 454: "We must prepare for that​."

Day 450: "Strange."

Day 449: "Fundamental changes."

Day 448: "Deeply concerning."

Day 447: "We control them all."

Day 443: "A more perfect union."

Day 442: "Outraged by the atrocities."

Day 441: "The height of hypocrisy."

Day 440: "It’s now or never."

Day 436: "Fairly significantly."

Day 435: "The Achilles' heel of autocracies."

Day 434: "Do your job."

Day 433: "The illegality was obvious."

Day 429: "What will stop him."

Day 428: "Saber rattling."

Day 427: "Sickening and egregious."

Day 426: "Civility and grace."

Day 422: "Consequences and implications."

Day 421: "Do more."

Day 420: "Not a close call."

Day 419: "Fabrication of lies."

Day 415: "Preposterous."

Day 414: "We must continue to fight."

Day 413: "It's going to cost us as well."

Day 412: "Tipping point."

Day 401: "Consequences you have never seen in history."

Day 400: "Ready to go."

Day 399: "Share the pain."

Day 394: "Hysteria."

Day 393: "Give people a break."

Day 392: "Clear and present risk."

Day 391: "On the edge of a precipice."

Day 387: "On fire."

Day 386: "A new phase."

Day 385: "A disservice."

Day 384: "Legitimate political discourse."

Day 380: "Amateur hour."

Day 379: "Ambitious but doable."

Day 378: "Dead."

Day 377: "Alarming."

Day 373: "Little optimism."

Day 372: "The ball is in their court."

Day 371: "Profound concern."

Day 370: "Massive consequences."

Day 366: "Profoundly disappointed."

Day 365: "A great misleading of the American people."

Day 364: "We're going to vote."

Day 359: "Doomed to fail."

Day 358: "It's hard to process what's actually happening right now."

Day 357: "This is the moment."

Day 356: "By a clear margin."

Day 352: "A perpetual state of emergency."

Day 351: "Follow the facts."

Day 350: "The stakes are high."

Day 349: "A symptom of a broader illness."

Day 344: "We must adapt."

Day 332: "Deliberate efforts."

Day 330: "This is bullshit."

Day 328: "No choice."

Day 325: "No basis."

Day 323: "No choice."

Day 321: "Crimes against humanity."

Day 318: "Bare minimum."

Day 316: "Survive the stench."

Day 314: "A cause for concern."

Day 309: "Taking action."

Day 307: "Backsliding."

Day 304: "Landmark progress."

Day 302: "We must draw the line."

Day 300: "We're finally getting this done."

Day 297: "Beyond the pale."

Day 295: "Willful disregard for the law."

Day 293: "Appropriate and necessary."

Day 290: “We’ll see, won’t we?”

Day 288: "A turning point."

Day 286: "Enough is enough."

Day 283: "The world wonders whether we can function."

Day 281: "Just can't do it."

Day 279: "Get this done."

Day 276: "The principal obstacles to progress."

Day 274: "The same rotten core."

Day 272: "Untethered."

Day 269: "Just looking out!"

Day 267: "Not even within the realm of possibility."

Day 265: "Failures."

Day 262: "Not in the best interests of the United States."

Day 260: "The country is watching."

Day 258: "Just get out of the way."

Day 255: "Ain’t going to happen."

Day 253: "One step at a time."

Day 251: "An unnecessary, avoidable disaster."

Day 248: "Delays and excuses."

Day 246: "Playing with fire."

Day 244: "Irreparable harm."

Day 241: "A catastrophic pathway."

Day 239: "Democracy can be sloppy."

Day 237: "There's no way."

Day 234: "Your refusal has cost all of us."

Day 232: "All options."

Day 227: "Almost un-American."

Day 225: "Catastrophic."

Day 223: "The forever war."

Day 164: "An affront to our shared humanity."

Day 163: "Sweeping and audacious."

Day 162: "A more stable and secure world."

Day 161: "Take the win."

Day 160: "Not my intent."

Day 157: "Particular cruelty."

Day 156: "Root causes."

Day 155: "Pursuit of truth."

Day 154: "Our great democracy."

Day 153: "The path of progress."

Day 149: "This is a big fucking deal."

Day 148: "A partisan circus."

Day 147: "Trust the plan."

Day 146: "Accountability."

Day 143: "A gross abuse of power."

Day 142: "Point of no return."

Day 141: "Frustrated."

Day 140: "Planned in plain sight."

Day 139: "A country that's divided."

Day 136: "This is progress."

Day 135: "To no avail."

Day 134: "My Republican friends."

Day 133: "An assault on democracy."

Day 129: "Short-term political gain."

Day 128: "No excuse."

Day 127: "Closer to a definitive conclusion."

Day 126: "Appalling."

Day 125: "We have to be ready."

Day 121: "Not the case."

Day 120: "Offensive and humiliating."

Day 119: "Legitimatizing a grift."

Day 118: "Grave concern."

Day 115: "Very concerning."

Day 114: "A great day for America."

Day 113: "Ignoring the lie emboldens the liar."

Day 112: "A lifeline."

Day 111: "Step up."

Day 108: "We have a long way to go."

Day 106: "Disingenuous."

Day 105: "New normal."

Day 104: "America's values."

Day 101: "One god-awful mess."

Day 100: "Crisis into opportunity."

Day 99: "Investments in our future."

Day 98: "A beautiful day."

Day 97: "Presidential, focused, and competent."

Day 94: "A critical step."

Day 93: "A moral imperative."

Day 92: "An American achievement."

Day 91: "Overwhelming."

Day 90: "Seriousness and urgency."

Day 87: "Disastrous."

Day 86: "Disinformation and interference."

Day 85: "We stand for democracy."

Day 84: "Abundance of caution."

Day 83: "Accidental discharge."

Day 80: "Out of whack."

Day 79: "International embarrassment."

Day 78: "Good faith negotiations."

Day 77: "Irritating."

Day 76: "Consequences."

Day 73: "Low risk."

Day 72: "Based on a lie."

Day 71: "Hard-fought progress."

Day 70: "Trailblazing."

Day 69: "This is deadly serious."

Day 66: "Outrageous."

Day 65: "Chaos as a consequence."

Day 64: "An existential threat."

Day 63: "An American issue."

Day 62: "A fork in the road."

Day 59: "Wasting time."

Day 58: "Strings attached."

Day 57: "Democracy is having a hard time functioning."

Day 56: "Exacerbating divisions."

Day 55: "Risky business."

Day 52: "Changes the paradigm."

Day 51: "This dark tunnel."

Day 50: "Help is on the way."

Day 49: "110% confident."

Day 48: "We just need to hang on a bit longer."

Day 45: Brat attacks.

Day 44: "No matter how long it takes."

Day 43: "Neanderthal thinking."

Day 42: "It's not going away anytime soon."

Day 41: "The most powerful and heartbreaking example of the cruelty that preceded this administration."

Day 38: "Too complicated."

Day 37: "A critical step."

Day 36: "More must be done."

Day 35: "Intelligence failures."

Day 34: "The work continues."

Day 31: "We have a lot to do."

Day 30: "Restore common sense."

Day 29: "I'm tired of talking about Donald Trump."

Day 28: "Get to the truth."

Day 27: "A disgraceful dereliction of duty."

Day 24: "Ordinary political rhetoric."

Day 23: "A new terrible standard."

Day 22: "Inciter in chief."

Day 21: "This cannot be our future."

Day 20: "More dire than we thought."

Day 17: "Enormous pain."

Day 16: "America is back."

Day 15: "We need to act."

Day 14: "Moral failing."

Day 13: "The time for decisive action is now."

Day 10: "Wake-up call."

Day 9: "Beyond the pale."

Day 8: "It's time to act."

Day 7: "Down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol."

Day 6: "Attempted sedition."

Day 3: "Transparent, open and honest."

Day 2: "The gravest damage."

Day 1: "Democracy has prevailed."

Day 1461: How it ended.

Day 1460: "Indefensible."

Day 1457: "Justice is coming."

Day 1456: "Self-pity mode."

Day 1455: "He must go."

Day 1454: No regrets.

Day 1453: "Significant failures."

Day 1450: "Incitement of insurrection."

Day 1449: "A horror show for America."

Day 1448: "Death spiral."

Day 1447: "Save America."

Day 1446: "No way."

Day 1440: "Death wish."

Day 1434: "Unnecessary."

Day 1433: "It appears to be significant."

Day 1432: "Everything is well under control."

Day 1429: "Contingencies and speculation."

Day 1428: "A grave risk."

Day 1427: "We want them infected."

Day 1426: "A modicum of grace and dignity."

Day 1425: "Congratulations USA!"

Day 1422: "The dam vaccines."

Day 1421: "Nonsense detrimental to our democracy."

Day 1420: "That might not go over well."

Day 1419: "I literally don't know."

Day 1418: "Nullifying the will of the people."

Day 1415: "Grim."

Day 1414: "A tremendous achievement."

Day 1413: "A very dangerous place."

Day 1412: "We just don’t have time to waste time."

Day 1411: "Hapless."

Day 1406: "A truly fantastic Thanksgiving!"

Day 1405: "Meets this moment."

Day 1404: "A monster."

Day 1401: "Incredible irresponsibility."

Day 1400: "The American way."

Day 1399: "We did it right."

Day 1398: "Move on."

Day 1397: "More people may die."

Day 1394: "Trying to survive."

Day 1393: "Very stressful."

Day 1392: "Covid hell."

Day 1391: "A smooth transition."

Day 1390: "A mask is not a political statement."

Day 1388: A total loser.

Day 1387: "I don't like losers."

Day 1386: "Democracy is sometimes messy."

Day 1385: "Every vote must be counted."

Day 1384: "Fired up, ready to go."

Day 1383: "A whole lot of hurt."

Day 1380: "Shock and awe."

Day 1379: "Defeat despair and inspire hope."

Day 1378: "Bad position."

Day 1377: "Decisive actions."

Day 1376: "Covid, Covid. Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid."

Day 1373: "A dark winter."

Day 1372: "Out of whack."

Day 1371: "A distressing trend."

Day 1370: "Open discussion."

Day 1369: "An absence of national leadership."

Day 1366: "You're not someone's crazy uncle who can retweet whatever."

Day 1365: "Pretty close to airtight."

Day 1364: "Dr. Johnny Bananas."

Day 1363: "A pawn."

Day 1362: Swamp things.

Day 1359: "Unlikely."

Day 1358: "They knew what was happening and they didn't tell you."

Day 1357: "I feel great."

Day 1356: "Tragic."

Day 1355: "That should never have happened."

Day 1352: "Give me a fucking break."

Day 1351: "The single largest driver of misinformation."

Day 1350: "A national embarrassment."

Day 1349: "Hustlers."

Day 1348: "The Apprentice."

Day 1345: "Train wreck."

Day 1344: "There won't be a transfer."

Day 1343: "Distressed."

Day 1342: "What a great job we've done."

Day 1341: "Without delay."

Day 1339: RIP RBG.

Day 1338: "You need a test."

Day 1337: "A steady drumbeat of misinformation."

Day 1336: "Herd mentality."

Day 1335: "Forthcoming."

Day 1334: "Reckless and selfish."

Day 1331: "Corrupt and politically motivated favor."

Day 1330: "Phraseology."

Day 1329: "This is deadly stuff."

Day 1324: "Losers."

Day 1323: "Playing with fire."

Day 1322: "Why would he do this?"

Day 1321: "Sounds like conspiracy theory."

Day 1320: "Recklessly encouraging violence."

Day 1317: "Profoundly."

Day 1316: "This is his America."

Day 1315: "Extreme action."

Day 1314: "Grossly misrepresented."

Day 1313: "I am not engaged in sabotaging the election."

Day 1310: "Season of darkness."

Day 1309: "Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job because he can't."

Day 1308: "Wholly insufficient."

Day 1307: "A grave counterintelligence threat."

Day 1306: "Widespread and expanding."

Day 1303: "Do you regret at all the lying?"

Day 1302: "A major milestone."

Day 1301: "Serious consequences."

Day 1300: "A tragic mistake."

Day 1299: "Absurdly unconstitutional."

Day 1296: "Shameful."

Day 1295: "It wouldn't hurt."

Day 1294: "He still doesn't get it."

Day 1293: "It is what it is."

Day 1292: "Extraordinarily widespread."

Day 1289: "We cannot test our way out of this pandemic."

Day 1288: "A catastrophic disaster."

Day 1287: "Nobody likes me."

Day 1285: "Act of expressing hope and optimism for the future."

Day 1282: "Just not right."

Day 1281: "Person, woman, man, camera, TV."

Day 1280: "Surge."

Day 1279: "We need everything we can get."

Day 1278: "I'll be right eventually."

Day 1275: "Science should not stand in the way."

Day 1274: "Red zones."

Day 1273: "We could go on for days."

Day 1272: "Find something new."

Day 1271: "Highest risk."

Day 1268: "An unbelievable thing."

Day 1267: "The pandemic is still accelerating."

Day 1266: "A campaign of bullying, intimidation, and retaliation."

Day 1265: "Gave up and didn't try."

Day 1264: "Really not good."

Day 1260: "We are not flattening the curve right now."

Day 1259: "It's going to sort of just disappear, I hope."

Day 1258: "We're going in the wrong direction."

Day 1257: "Nobody told me."

Day 1254: "And we have an election coming up."

Day 1253: "An explosion."

Day 1252: "A massive outbreak."

Day 1251: "Mixed bag."

Day 1250: "Underwhelming."

Day 1247: Priorities.

Day 1246: "On the cusp of losing control."

Day 1245: "Obstruction of justice as a way of life."

Day 1244: Transgressions.

Day 1240: "There's no strategy."

Day 1239: "This is not a game."

Day 1238: "Everything about this is irregular."

Day 1237: "We're still at the beginning."

Day 1236: "Now that everything is under perfect control."

Day 1231: "No idea."

Day 1230: "Everything to divide us."

Day 1229: Bunker boy.

Day 1228: American carnage.

Day 1226: Fuck this shit.

Day 1225: "Big action."

Day 1224: 100,000 dead.

Day 1223: "Shutdown mood."

Day 1219: "Petulant child."

Day 1218: "Social and moral responsibility."

Day 1217: "We still have a long way to go."

Day 1216: "Badge of honor."

Day 1215: "I seem to be okay."

Day 1212: "Inconsistent and incoherent."

Day 1211: "Not an acceptable answer."

Day 1210: "The darkest winter in modern history."

Day 1209: "That's not prevailing."

Day 1208: "It's scary to go to work."

Day 1205: "Literally off the charts."

Day 1204: "Overly prescriptive."

Day 1203: "We've solved every problem."

Day 1202: "Weaker and sicker and poorer."

Day 1201: "It goes up rapidly."

Day 1198: "I will never lie to you."

Day 1197: "Honestly, I'm really in charge."

Day 1196: "A great success story."

Day 1195: "Can't imagine why."

Day 1194: "Not worth the time and effort."

Day 1191: "Just to see what would happen."

Day 1190: "The worst is yet to come."

Day 1189: "Dangerous and provocative."

Day 1188: "A new way of living."

Day 1187: "Complaining."

Day 1184: "Never fear."

Day 1183: "Call your own shots."

Day 1182: "As dangerous as it sounds."

Day 1181: "The ultimate authority."

Day 1180: "A lot of instincts."

Day 1177: "The biggest decision."

Day 1176: No deal.

Day 1175: "It's time to intensify."

Day 1174: "Too naive or too stupid."

Day 1173: "Not a big Trump fan."

Day 1170: "You don't have to do it."

Day 1169: "Here we go again."

Day 1168: "A very heavy price."

Day 1167: "Be prepared for it."

Day 1166: Ill informed, misleading, and downright wrong.

Day 1163: "Wasting time."

Day 1162: "We may well be in a recession."

Day 1161: "Critical to maintaining national security."

Day 1160: "I want America to understand: This week, it's going to get bad."

Day 1159: "The pandemic is accelerating."

Day 1156: "The only thing we weren't prepared for."

Day 1155: "Nobody knew."

Day 1154: "Just in case we need it."

Day 1153: "We have it totally under control."

Day 1152: "This is bad."

Day 1149: "Full-scale disaster."

Day 1148: Canceled.

Day 1147: "It's going to get worse."

Day 1146: "Everything is working out."

Day 1145: "Nobody is trying to minimize this."

Day 1142: "Contained."

Day 1141: Confusion.

Day 1140: "A perfect storm."

Day 1139: Not good.

Day 1138: "No reason to panic."

Day 1135: "Deeply troubling."

Day 1134: Muzzled.

Day 1133: "We're very, very ready for this."

Day 1132: "This might be bad."

Day 1131: Snakes.

Day 1128: Presidential preference.

Day 1127: Desperate.

Day 1126: Cleaning house.

Day 1125: "Openly and repeatedly flouted."

Day 1121: "Crime fighters."

Day 1120: Impossible.

Day 1119: "Ought to apologize."

Day 1118: Excessive.

Day 1117: Parasite.

Day 1114: "You'll see."

Day 1113: "It was all bullshit."

Day 1112: A giant asterisk.

Day 1111: An unmitigated disaster.

Day 1110: "History will not be kind to Donald Trump."

Day 1107: "A grand tragedy."

Day 1106: Bogus claims.

Day 1105: Public interest.

Day 1104: A diversion.

Day 1103: A colorful distraction.

Day 1100: "What our framers feared most."

Day 1099: "No president has abused his power in this way."

Day 1098: "Protect our democracy."

Day 1097: "Deliberately designed to hide the truth."

Day 1096: "The Framers' worst nightmare."

Day 1093: "Dopes and babies."

Day 1092: "Do impartial justice."

Day 1091: Con job.

Day 1090: "Deserve the truth."

Day 1089: Interpretations.

Day 1086: Destabilizing activities.

Day 1085: Reckless.

Day 1084: Standing down.

Day 1083: "Historic nightmare."

Day 1082: Get this done.

Day 1081: "Reign of terror."

Day 1075: Admired.

Day 1072: Below average.

Day 1068: Hold off.

Day 1065: "A near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused."

Day 1064: Counterpunch.

Day 1063: "He gave us no choice."

Day 1062: An open war on American Democracy.

Day 1061: "Betrayed the nation."

Day 1058: "No chance."

Day 1057: Crazy.

Day 1056: Scum.

Day 1055: We must act.

Day 1054: Justified.

Day 1051: That's what impeachment is for.

Day 1050: Time to act.

Day 1049: "Are you ready?"

Day 1048: Clear and present danger.

Day 1047: Entirely prudent.

Day 1042: Dissenting opinions.

Day 1041: Bleak.

Day 1040: Without reason.

Day 1037: "Never took place."

Day 1036: Weaponized falsehoods.

Day 1035: "At the express direction of the president of the United States."

Day 1034: Duty.

Day 1033: "Unusual and inappropriate."

Day 1030: Rooting out corruption.

Day 1029: Not even a little bit.

Day 1028: "The investigations."

Day 1027: Another state of mind.

Day 1026: "This issue."

Day 1023: No doubt.

Day 1022: A campaign of lies.

Day 1021: A clear understanding.

Day 1020: Orchestrated efforts.

Day 1019: Threatened.

Day 1016: Sensitive.

Day 1015: "Nobody comes to Congress to impeach a president."

Day 1014: Out of step.

Day 1013: "Extremely, extremely, extremely disturbing."

Day 1012: "Eliminate any doubt."

Day 1009: "Potentially impeachable conduct."

Day 1008: Human scum.

Day 1007: "This whole thing is about corruption."

Day 1006: Direct line.

Day 1005: "We prefer peace to war."

Day 1002: White House confessional.

Day 1001: "Get over it."

Day 1000: Meltdown.

Day 999: An abomination.

Day 988: Smoking texts.

Day 987: "China, if you're listening."

Day 986: "BULLSHIT."

Day 985: Entitled.

Day 984: Fractures.

Day 981: Profound.

Day 980: "The President abused his office for personal gain."

Day 979: "Do us a favor."

Day 978: "A betrayal."

Day 977: "It doesn't matter."

Day 974: "Totally appropriate."

Day 973: Credible and urgent.

Day 972: Dastardly.

Day 971: Abuse of power.

Day 970: Locked and loaded.

Day 967: Moral compass.

Day 966: Simply unacceptable.

Day 965: Boneheads.

Day 964: Extremely complete.


Day 960: Looking for acknowledgment.

Day 959: The ultimate deal.

Day 958: "I don't know."

Day 957: Always good to be prepared.

Day 953: Cone of uncertainty.

Day 952: "A troubling pattern of corruption."

Day 951: Dread.

Day 950: Downhill.

Day 949: Magnificent.

Day 946: "Our bigger enemy."

Day 945: "Frankly ridiculous."

Day 944: Absurd.

Day 943: Fundamentals.

Day 942: Damaging to our democracy.

Day 939: Hate and war.

Day 938: Fantastic.

Day 937: Clueless.

Day 936: Just in case.

Day 935: Irregularities.

Day 932: "Not a photo op."

Day 931: "Hostile actions."

Day 930: Do something.

Day 929: "The least racist person."

Day 928: "Enabling white supremacy."

Day 925: LameStream.

Day 924: Dramatic impact.

Day 923: Animosity.

Day 922: An emblem of hate.

Day 921: Critical.

Day 918: Warriors.

Day 917: Extensive activity.

Day 916: "A very innocent President."

Day 915: Still at it.

Day 914: An unindicted co-conspirator.

Day 911: "The gravity of the president's misconduct."

Day 910: Imminent danger.

Day 909: "Not unhappy."

Day 908: "Join us in condemning the president's racist tweets."

Day 907: Racist in chief.

Day 904: Not a good one.

Day 903: Collateral damage.

Day 902: A worthwhile cause.

Day 901: Radiating insecurity.

Day 900: Pathways.

Day 895: Moving forward.

Day 894: Surreal.

Day 893: Unforeseen.

Day 890: Reluctantly.

Day 889: Contrived.

Day 888: Terminated.

Day 887: Overwhelming force.

Day 886: Restraint.

Day 883: "Cocked and loaded."

Day 882: The best is yet to come.

Day 881: Misplaced certainty.

Day 880: Let's see.

Day 879: True cowards.

Day 876: Probably not a good idea.

Day 875: The green light.

Day 874: Not at all worried.

Day 873: Not off the table.

Day 872: Possibly catastrophic.

Day 869: Untenable.

Day 868: Aesthetics.

Day 867: The cleanest climate.

Day 866: False light.

Day 865: Presidential obstruction and other crimes.

Day 862: A colossal blunder.

Day 861: Essentially.

Day 860: Not an option.

Day 859: "False narrative."

Day 848: Willingness to cooperate.

Day 847: On fire.

Day 841: No Rush.

Day 840: No choice.

Day 839: Sport.

Day 838: Privilege.

Day 837: Legitimacy.

Day 834: Sweeping and systematic.

Day 833: That's a crime.

Day 832: "Context, nature, and substance."

Day 831: Meritless.

Day 830: Personal conversations.

Day 827: Defensive.

Day 826: Inherent contempt.

Day 825: Transparency.

Day 824: Defiant.

Day 820: Total bullshit.

Day 819: Inadequate.

Day 818: Weakened authority.

Day 817: Breakdown-level anxiety.

Day 816: Hateful and inflammatory.

Day 813: Nonstory.

Day 812: "I know nothing about WikiLeaks."

Day 811: Genesis.

Day 810: A mess.

Day 809: A way forward.

Day 806: Tougher direction.

Day 805: Alarming and significant.

Day 804: Not inclined.

Day 803: "Incompetent or corrupt."

Day 802: Meaningless.

Day 799: Not playing games.

Day 798: Bully.

Day 797: Difficult decisions.

Day 796: Invalidated.

Day 795: No conclusion.

Day 792: Principal conclusions.

Day 791: Alternative means.

Day 790: Nuts.

Day 789: A little longer.

Day 788: Pathetic.

Day 785: Dangerous and reckless.

Day 784: Sending a signal.

Day 783: Gaming the system.

Day 782: Deteriorating situation.

Day 781: Sanity.

Day 778: Blameless.

Day 777: Humanitarian catastrophe.

Day 776: Unusual.

Day 775: Stone cold crazy.

Day 774: High crimes and misdemeanors.

Day 771: Alarming.

Day 770: Options.

Day 769: Spin this.

Day 768: Lawless.

Day 767: Super-creepy and inappropriate.

Day 764: Infinitely better.

Day 763: Swiftly.

Day 762: Retribution.

Day 761: Grenades.

Day 757: Didn't need to do this.

Day 756: Emergency declaration.

Day 755: Other methods.

Day 754: Not happy.

Day 753: Generally working.

Day 750: No crimes whatsoever.

Day 749: Political hack.

Day 748: Doesn't work that way.

Day 747: Hysteria.

Day 746: Willful ignorance.

Day 743: The greatest loser.

Day 742: Waste of time.

Day 741: Back to school.

Day 740: Regime survival.

Day 739: Wrong track.

Day 736: "Nothing to do with the president."

Day 735: History and tradition.

Day 734: Unforced errors.

Day 733: Hypothetical.

Day 732: So what.

Day 729: Make it happen.

Day 728: Any way, shape or form.

Day 727: Damage.

Day 726: Everyone's favorite.

Day 725: Big fat hoax.

Day 722: Embarrassing.

Day 715: Contentious.

Day 714: Foolish.

Day 713: Enjoy the ride.

Day 708: A profit making operation.

Day 707: Whatever it takes.

Day 706: Favors.

Day 704: All alone.

Day 701: Tailspin.

Day 700: Fatally misconceived.

Day 699: Everybody out.

Day 698: A shocking pattern of illegality.

Day 697: A form of compromise.

Day 694: "Of course."

Day 693: The Diplomacy Project.

Day 692: Hello darkness, my old friend.

Day 691: This wall thing.

Day 690: "I have nothing to do with Russia."

Day 687: Undisciplined.

Day 686: Strong signals.

Day 685: Substantial assistance.

Day 684: Loose ends.

Day 683: Compromised.

Day 680: Peripheral awareness.

Day 679: "Stayed away."

Day 678: Guts.

Day 677: Gone rogue.

Day 676: Substantial damages.

Day 671: Sad irony.

Day 670: Steadfast.

Day 669: A failure to abide.

Day 666: Decorum.

Day 665: The envy of the world.

Day 664: Discretion.

Day 663: Grandstanding.

Day 662: Infected.

Day 659: Inconvenient facts.

Day 658: Above the law.

Day 657: Presidential harassment.

Day 656: Setting a tone.

Day 655: Political stunt.

Day 652: Too stupid.

Day 651: Doing a service.

Day 650: Maximum harm.

Day 649: Blatantly unconstitutional.

Day 648: Purveyor of hate speech.

Day 645: This "Bomb" stuff.

Day 644: Boring.

Day 643: Despicable acts.

Day 642: Cover-up.

Day 641: A great mind.

Day 638: Discord.

Day 637: Personal commitments.

Day 636: Natural instinct.

Day 635: Totally denied.

Day 634: Who cares.

Day 631: Optics.

Day 630: Highly unusual.

Day 629: Inevitable.

Day 628: Hidden genius.

Day 627: "An insult to the American public."

Day 624: Rock bottom.

Day 623: Unfathomable.

Day 622: Appalling.

Day 621: Tired of winning.

Day 620: A new dawn.

Day 617: Aggressive and belligerent.

Day 616: "I am terrified."

Day 615: "A total low-life."

Day 614: But that's okay.

Day 613: Lingering stench.

Day 610: As bad as she says.

Day 609: Such an outstanding man.

Day 600: Reckless escalation.

Day 599: Quite enthusiastic.

Day 596: Your fault.

Day 595: Total meltdown.

Day 594: The worst mood.

Day 593: We're in Crazytown.

Day 589: Over a barrel.

Day 588: Shape up.

Day 587: Don't let it happen.

Day 586: Serious situation.

Day 585: A cutthroat death match.

Day 582: You can do it.

Day 581: "It's not fair."

Day 580: Individual-1.

Day 579: For the "purpose of influencing the election."

Day 578: "Truth isn't truth."

Day 575: A very good person.

Day 574: Hogwash.

Day 573: Erratic.

Day 572: Lowlife.

Day 571: Nothing but problems.

Day 568: Be happy, be cool.

Day 567: Space Force all the way.

Day 566: Kiss the ring.

Day 565: Reluctance.

Day 564: A complete fabrication.

Day 561: Pervasive.

Day 560: A low point.

Day 559: A terrible situation.

Day 558: Unhinged.

Day 557: "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

Day 554: "Never even heard about it."

Day 552: All the stuff.

Day 551: Concerned.

Day 550: Reality distortion field.

Day 547: Lordy, I hope there are tapes.

Day 546: An incredible offer.

Day 545: Big results.

Day 544: Strange and uncertain times.

Day 543: A disaster for our country.

Day 539: Go it alone.

Day 538: Tremendous relationships.

Day 537: "Putin may be the easiest."

Day 536: Piece of trash.

Day 533: Totally prepared.

Day 532: "My staff told me not to say this."

Day 530: Shredded.

Day 529: Art of the FART.

Day 526: Totally screwed.

Day 525: Completely unacceptable.

Day 524: Bad idea.

Day 523: Common ground.

Day 522: Inhumane and unethical.

Day 519: Phony stories.

Day 518: Shared values.

Day 517: A public relations nightmare.

Day 516: Infestation.

Day 515: Not on my watch.

Day 512: Fickle.

Day 511: Persistent illegal conduct.

Day 510: Sleep well tonight.

Day 509: A very special bond.

Day 508: Sobering and a bit depressing.

Day 505: We have a world to run.

Day 504: Acid-wash.

Day 503: Obsessed.

Day 502: Witness tampering.

Day 501: Absolute right.

Day 487: Walking into a trap.

Day 484: Really bad stuff.

Day 483: Disgusting, illegal and unwarranted.

Day 482: Russian assistance.

Day 481: Hindsight.

Day 480: A fucked-up feedback loop.

Day 477: Big mistake.

Day 476: Wrap it up.

Day 475: Unprecedented and coordinated.

Day 474: Opposition media.

Day 473: Fighting back.

Day 470: Oh my goodness.

Day 469: Suckers.

Day 468: A setup and a trap.

Day 467: So disgraceful.

Day 466: Panic mode.

Day 463: Very sick or very dumb.

Day 462: Extremely opposed.

Day 461: Virtually unexplained.

Day 460: Do not worry.

Day 459: Under open assault.

Day 456: Unprecedented treachery.

Day 455: Clean up the mess.

Day 454: This Russia thing.

Day 453: Crimes of violence.

Day 452: Morally unfit.

Day 450: Mission accomplished.

Day 449: Slime ball.

Day 448: Retroactive privilege.

Day 447: Get ready.

Day 446: "Why don't I just fire Mueller?"

Day 445: Barbaric.

Day 442: TOTALLY under siege.

Day 441: Can't speak to the future of __________.

Day 440: Short-term pain.

Day 439: We've got your back.

Day 438: DACA is dead.

Day 435: Climate of change.

Day 434: Freewheeling.

Day 433: Pertinent to the investigation.

Day 432: Botched obligations.

Day 431: Conflicts.

Day 428: Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye.

Day 427: Another one bites the dust.

Day 426: No sense of urgency.

Day 425: Shuffling the deck.

Day 424: Brilliant and courageous.

Day 421: 100% safe.

Day 420: Malicious.

Day 419: A movement, not a moment.

Day 418: You're fired.

Day 417: Still intends to cooperate.

Day 414: But his emails.

Day 413: Very unhappy.

Day 412: Hush agreement.

Day 411: There is no chaos.

Day 410: President for life.

Day 407: Leverage.

Day 406: No one listened.

Day 405: White lies.

Day 404: Taking things seriously.

Day 403: They're on our side.

Day 400: Bit of a bonus.


Day 398: Subversion.

Day 397: Criminal information.

Day 396: Incontrovertible.

Day 393: Information warfare.

Day 392: "You guys are the adults."

Day 391: Unconvinced.

Day 390: The United States is under attack.

Day 389: Ready, larger, and more lethal.

Day 386: Fully aware.

Day 385: Clear evidence.

Day 384: Marching orders.

Day 383: Total cooperation mode.

Day 382: A total waste of time.

Day 379: Disgrace.

Day 378: Never get out.

Day 377: Grave concerns.

Day 376: Serving as a deterrent.

Day 375: Stepping aside.

Day 372: Confrontation.

Day 371: Extraordinarily reckless.

Day 370: Looking forward to it.

Day 369: Under pressure.

Day 368: Shutdown shut down.

Day 365: The 11th hour.

Day 364: Irresponsible.

Day 363: Gag order.

Day 362: Subpoenaed.

Day 358: Racist.

Day 357: To surveil and abuse.

Day 356: A flawed legal premise.

Day 355: Sunk.

Day 354: Executive time.

Day 351: Possible obstruction.

Day 350: Cease and desist.

Day 349: Treasonous.

Day 348: Just a coffee boy.

Day 344: Looks bad.

Day 343: Back to work.

Day 341: Pile of garbage.

Day 337: Very intense.

Day 336: A formula for success.

Day 335: Taking names.

Day 334: "The single worst piece of legislation."

Day 333: Not looking good.

Day 330: Shame.

Day 329: Break the internet.

Day 328: "I was right."

Day 327: Sexist smear.

Day 326: Heard.

Day 323: Puppet.

Day 322: Making a deal.

Day 321: Good to go.

Day 320: Willingness to comply.

Day 319: Tatters.

Day 316: Full cooperation.

Day 315: Rexit.

Day 314: Wrong.

Day 313: Pettiness.

Day 312: Your favorite president.

Day 307: IT WAS ME.

Day 306: A great, big, beautiful Christmas present.

Day 305: A long winter.

Day 302: What about yours?

Day 301: Bring it on.

Day 300: No plans.

Day 299: Do not recall.

Day 298: Step aside.

Day 295: If true.

Day 294: Great credit.

Day 293: Refreshed.

Day 292: Incredible insights.

Day 291: Bad conduct.

Day 288: The only one that matters.

Day 287: Cut, cut, cut.

Day 286: The lowest point.

Day 285: Covfefe boy.

Day 284: "NO COLLUSION!"

Day 281: Significant concerns.

Day 280: Bullet.

Day 279: Drain the swamp.

Day 278: Alert the daycare staff.

Day 277: Outdated, unnecessary, ineffective.

Day 274: Elected by the American people.

Day 273: Who knows.

Day 272: Knew what he signed up for.

Day 271: Half-baked nationalism.

Day 270: Season of war.

Day 267: Imploding broken mess.

Day 266: Trump Vs. Everybody.

Day 265: NBC = CNN

Day 264: Power of the pen.

Day 263: War on coal.

Day 260: Calm before the storm.

Day 259: Suicide squad.

Day 258: Moron.

Day 257: The end of everything.

Day 256: An act of pure evil.

Day 253: Giant, beautiful, massive, the biggest ever.

Day 252: No guarantees.

Day 251: Middle class miracle.

Day 250: Height of hypocrisy.

Day 249: But her emails.

Day 232: Operation mega.

Day 231: Nothing to worry about.

Day 230: Revisit.

Day 229: Rescinded.

Day 225: A rigged system.

Day 224: Tag teamed.

Day 223: Talking is not the answer.

Day 222: Concealed.

Day 221: Speaks for himself.

Day 218: Must do better.

Day 217: Nonsense.

Day 216: Looking for a way out.

Day 215: Principled realism.

Day 214: A path forward.

Day 211: Smell ya later.

Day 210: Ripped apart.

Day 209: Stunned and disheartened.

Day 208: Retweet rampage.

Day 207: On many sides.

Day 204: Locked and loaded, or whatever.

Day 203: Follow the money.

Day 202: An absurd red line.

Day 201: Extreme weather.

Day 200: A case of the Mondays.

Day 197: That "totally made-up Russia story."

Day 196: Grand jury.

Day 195: Seriously flawed.

Day 194: Dictated.

Day 193: Total quitters.

Day 190: Backfired.

Day 189: No modifications.

Day 188: The most presidential.

Day 187: Open debate.

Day 186: Beleaguered.

Day 184: Complete power.

Day 183: Pardon power.

Day 182: Very unfair.

Day 181: Secret dinner.

Day 180: Dead on arrival.

Day 179: White collar crimes.

Day 176: Counterintelligence.

Day 175: Health care redux.

Day 167: Heart of the US.

Day 162: Fraud.

Day 161: Low IQ.

Day 160: Failing fake news.

Day 159: Delayed.

Day 158: Reinstated.

Day 155: Bothersome.

Day 154: Win, win, win.

Day 153: Vulnerable.

Day 152: Spicey.

Day 151: Collective self-defense.

Day 148: Ruh roh.

Day 147: Phony.

Day 146: Foreign emoluments.

Day 145: Haxored.

Day 144: Travel ban banned.

Day 141: Complete vindication.

Day 140: No fuzz.

Day 139: Back off.

Day 138: Show them a body.

Day 137: Blindsided.

Day 134: Showdown supreme.

Day 133: It's heating up.

Day 132: Au revoir.

Day 131: Derogatory information.

Day 130: Backchannel.

Day 127: Disinformation.

Day 126: Street fighters.

Day 125: A madman with nukes.

Day 124: Cuts for the poor.

Day 123: Will not comply.

Day 120: Kept in the dark. Person of interest.

Day 119: Undisclosed.

Day 118: Hot mess.

Day 117: Undercut. Wow.

Day 116: Frustrated and angry. Jeopardized.

Day 113: Another fucking Twitter tirade.

Day 112: Contradicting the White House.

Day 111: You're kidding.

Day 110: Finger pointing. Fired.

Day 109: Warned.

Day 106: An uncertain fate.

Day 105: Health care?

Day 104: Nauseous.

Day 103: Floundering.

Day 102: Bizarre.

Day 100: Perspective.

Day 99: Weak.

Day 98: Explicit.

Day 97: Ridiculous.

Day 96: Confident.

Day 95: "Good press."

Day 94: Rest easy.

Day 93: Planet B.

Day 92: Ridiculous standard.

Day 91: "Super-mighty preemptive strike."

Day 90: The sword stands ready.

Day 89: Conflict of interest.

Day 88: Strategic patience.

Day 87: Provocation.

Day 86: Frankenmissile.

Day 85: Preemptive.

Day 84: Misdirected.

Day 83: Trading barbs.

Day 82: Sean Spicer.

Day 81: Partially responsible.

Day 80: Complicit.

Day 79: Knife fights.

Day 78: Tomahawked.

Day 77: Filibustered.

Day 76: Demoted.

Day 75: Undermine.

Day 74: Nuclear option.

Day 73: Incited violence.

Day 72: Disclosures.

Day 71: Witch hunt.

Day 70: "Climate change."

Day 69: Unauthorized disclosure.

Day 68: Tarnished.

Day 67: Power center.

Day 66: Shifting blame.

Day 65: Shit list.

Day 64: Ultimatum. Art of the deal.

Day 63: Save face.

Day 62: Contradictions.

Day 61: Tweaks.

Day 60: Accusations.

Day 59: Collusion.

Day 58: Imminent.

Day 57: Tapped out.

Day 56: Slashed.

Day 55: Failure.

Day 54: Alias. Salvage. Taxed.

Day 53: Contraction.

Day 52: Worse off.

Day 51: Abrupt.

Day 50: Blow it up.

Day 49: Flurry.

Day 48: Unraveling.

Day 47: Unveiled.

Day 46: Revised.

Day 45: Troubling.

Day 44: Accused.

Day 43: Blame game.

Day 42: Misleading. Recused.

Day 41: Tumultuous.

Day 40: Split. Choice.

Day 39: Spike.

Day 38: Crackdown.

Day 37: Doubt.

Day 36: Blasted. Banned in DC.

Day 35: Frayed. Rejected.

Day 34: Handcuffed.

Day 33: Sweeping.

Day 32: Skepticism.

Day 31: Last night in Sweden.

Day 30: Accountable.

Day 29: Mobilized.

Day 28: Intel. Dumpster fire.

Day 27: Inappropriate.

Day 26: Clusterfuck.

Day 25: Turbulent.

Day 24: Shots fired.

Day 23: Targeted.

Day 22: Denials.

Day 21: Ethics. Blocked.

Day 20: Nevertheless, she persisted.

Day 19: Challenged.

Day 18: Stumbles Uninvited.

Day 17: Denied.

Day 16: Suspended.

Day 15: The massacre.

Day 14: Braggadocious.

Day 13: Supreme.

Day 12: Controversy.

Day 11: Dissent.

Day 10: Embarrassment.

Day 9: Unreal.

Day 8: Banned.

Day 7: Shut it.

Day 6: Declining trust.

Day 5: Command and control.

Day 4: The Upside Down.

Day 3: Alternative facts.

Day 2: War on media.

Day 1: How it begins.